Hey everybody,
My blog has turned 4 this May and I am super excited! 2017 has been a great year for Munni of all Trades and me. I have acquired a domain name, a started a new job with a promotion to boot and our social media pages are just buzzing thanks to all you lovely readers who take time to read my posts. 🙂

I am going to host 3 giveaways this May and the first one is sponsored by me.
So what are the rules?
Nothing. Absolutely no rules. If you want to win this giveaway all you have to do is comment below “I want to participate in this giveaway”, share your email id and tell me which product you would like to win. The three options are:
- Stress Relief Oil by Forest Essentials worth Rs. 850
- BeYu Black Mirror Eyeliner worth Rs. 1000
- Gift voucher/ Paytm cash of your choice worth Rs. 500
This giveaway ends on 31st May 2017and I will choose 3 winners randomly. Hope you like my no rules giveaway 😀